"I eat pretty healthy...most of the time..."
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this from clients who are convinced their eating habits aren't too shabby. After a few days of food journaling, their tune changed
big time.Most people don't realize what is actually going into their mouths from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed at night. Even the little snacks count! A bite here. A taste there. A sip or two of this or that can sabotage your efforts toward health & fitness!
I challenge you to journal every single little thing you put in your mouth for 3 days. That's it. 3 days. Even ONE day of journaling might shock you. MyPyramid.gov provides an awesome tool for inputting your food journal and breaking it down for you. You're able to see where your diet is lacking and where you're over-doing it.
Check it out!You'll only be better for it!