When I think "tone," I think beautiful, strong, swimsuit-worthy legs. Thus today's exercise is the great & mighty Step Up! I'm sure you've done step-ups before, but this version is a little different than your throwback 80's aerobics 12-inch step up. This simple, yet challenging, move targets the hamstrings & glutes to give you that rear-view you've always wanted and incorporates the quads, calves, and supporting muscles as well! My favorite part? You don't need one bit of equipment. Just your body, some water, and a kitchen chair!

Step Ups
- Stand tall about 6 inches away and facing your "step" with feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, and core activated.
- Place entire right foot (no heel hanging off the edge!) on step and step up. (Be sure your knee does not wobble in or out. Work hard to keep it perfectly aligned with your ankle and hip the whole way up and the whole way down!
- Tap your left toe on the step and then lower it back down to starting position. Control your body as you lower, don't just drop to the ground.
- Repeat for a count of 15 with your right leg before switching to your left. (Yes, it SHOULD be burning by the end of your set!)
- Now switch legs and repeat 15 times.
Remember: Keep your core engaged throughout the entirety of ANY exercise routine. This helps strengthen your core in a way that tightens the entire abdominal region, AND helps to protect your spine from exercise-related injury!
Now...get to steppin'!!
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