- Do you want to shed an inch or two (or 12)?
- Do you want to tone up?
- Do you want to improve your cardiovascular health?
- Do you want to strengthen your core?
- Do you have trouble finding the time to workout regularly?

Start doing full body workouts. Instead of devoting an entire workout to that "butt-burner" workout in the latest issue of SHAPE, target your entire body, head-to-toe! There are numerous benefits to this style of workout design, not the least of which is that people who work their full body at least 3 times a week have been shown to maintain weight loss for longer periods of time than those who target different body parts on each day. Let me give a few more bits of info to argue my case. You will be super-pumped to start your new full-body regimen by the time you're done reading, promise!
Let's start with the issue of TIME:
As a general rule, you need to work a particular muscle group 2-3 times a week in order to see change in strength/tone. So, if you split your upper/lower body days, this is a minimum of 4 workout days per week, with an ideal 6 workout days per week! Plus, you've got to add the cardio element somewhere in there because it's challenging to get your heartrate up very high when you're working strictly upper body muscles. In a full-body routine, you are reaching your 3 times a week per muscle group quota with only 3 workout days. Um, awesome! Plus, you can combine muscle groups and count your weight-lifting routine as a cardio session by keeping your heartrate elevated! Time-saver? You betcha.
Next, let's discuss CORE:
Some of you may love ab work, and some of you may LOATHE it. But I think we can agree that we all want a tight little wasitline. In a well-designed (preferably by a professional) full-body workout, the combining of muscle groups in each exercise allows you to more effectively engage your core throughout the entire workout, which makes for a good 45-60 minutes worth of core exercise! How's that for tightening your tummy? I would still recommend adding 5-10 minutes of strictly core-work @ the end of each workout, no matter how much you hate it :)
And finally, it's time to talk VARIATION:
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. It pays to change up your workout on a regular basis! Yes, if you stick with the Jillian Michaels 30-day shread for 365 days, you will maintain a decent fitness level and tighter/stronger muscles. However, by repeating the EXACT same movements in the exact same order for such an extended period of time, you are increasing your chance of injury and decreasing your body's ability to move efficiently and effectively! Your muscles need to be worked in different directions, at different intensities, and for different periods of time in order to stay healthy and to function at their fullest potential! Your body will feel better AND look better when you keep some VARIATION in your life! Full-body routines allow for an endless amount of variation, because you can constantly combine different muscle groups and work your body in different ways.
Alright. So when are you starting YOUR first full-body workout?
Feel overwhelmed with the idea of planning a workout for every muscle group in your body? Custom workout routines by RoxyB (based on your current fitness level, goals, and daily schedule) start @ $65. That's the price 1.5 training sessions @ your local gym, but you'll get a hardcopy of a routine you can do anytime, anywhere, and stash it away to refer back to for a lifetime!
-Peace. Health. RoxyB!!
Love it Rox!! U just got me so motivated!!!
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