The good old "I'm on a diet" classic, the fruit smoothie, is a rather delicious treat if you ask me! What better way to stick to your healthy eating habits on a hot summer day in the DFdub (and I mean...HOT!?) Well, next time you choose to whip up one of these healthy delights, don't get caught in a rut of using the same ingredients. Add some GREEN! Toss in a LARGE handful of fresh spinach (or maybe 2)! It may not look quite as pretty, but by greening-it-up, you've added an intense boost of nutrition!! Spinach is one of many dark green veggies who offer big time rejuvenating and waist-slimming health benefits!!
Word to the wise: Add your spinach at the BOTTOM of your blender (or Ninja...if you don't have one, you SHOULD! They're the bomb!) to ensure that it gets fully blended into your smoothie!
RoxyB's Green-It-Up Fruit Smoothie
So. To get started, simply add a packed cup of spinach to your fav healthy fruit smoothie recipe, OR, try my current go-to concoction! Add ingredients in the order listed and blend for about 1 minute!
2 packed cups fresh spinach
1-2 cups berries (of any kind!)
1 banana
1 cup ice
1 T flax seed
1/2 cup coconut milk

Skip out on the sugared-up cold-bev indulgences this weekend, and partake in a GREEN fruit smoothie!! YUM.
PS- A GREEN smoothie is also a super-sneaky way to hook your baby/toddler/child up with some extra veggies! My little munchkin LOVES a good spinach, strawberry & banana smoothie!
-Peace. Health. RoxyB!!
Delish! Love a little green in the ol smoothie! Tip - freeze your fruits & then you won't have to put ice. This eliminates the drink from being too icey but it's still slushy from the frozen fruits (better!). I just freeze my fruit when it looks like it's about to go bad so I always have lots of little baggies of frozen strawberry banana!
Good little suggestion Torizzle! Sharing.
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