Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SNACK your way to Weight-Loss Success!!

I know what you're thinking. Snacks=calories!  How can that possibly help with weight-loss??  Well, I'm here to tell you, this method is the absolute best way to go.

The idea behind eating every 2-3 hours is this:  By providing frequent doses of nourishment to your body, you train it to use up that batch of calories as they're taken in.  Your body learns to expect a new dose of energy every few hours, so it doesn't have to store much away for later.  Your metabolism is kicked up and continues to work efficiently all day long {meaning more calories burned each day!}

On the other hand, when you skip meals or just go long periods without consuming anything, you are working against your very purpose.  You teach your body that it needs to store away some of the calories because it never knows when it will receive its next dose of energy (cals)! Your metabolism never learns to function at a constant, efficient level! 

Sooo... eat frequently!  Keep the calorie count low, but eat your 5-6 meals a day! You WILL see positive changes if you stick with it.  Yes, you will most likely find yourself getting hungry more frequently (every 2-3 hours), but that's the point.  Be sure you always have a couple of healthy snack options stowed away so that if (WHEN!) you get hungry on the go, you have a healthy option to keep that metabolism pumpin'!

Happy snacking!

--Peace. Health. RoxyB!!


My mom & I just started weight watchers...which basically just serves as a reminder to this. We have been hungryyy all the time & we've only done it for two days!

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