Let's spend the next few days discussing the TRUTH about weight-loss! What do you think about that?
We'll start with a popular topic. Whether you want to shed a couple of pounds or drop 20, the decision must be made: HOW? The 2 key components to weight-loss are diet and exercise, and the debate about which is more effective has been around a lonnng time. I'm not sure why it's even a debate anymore, because let me tell you: the research is clear! Although choosing either diet OR exercise as a means to lose weight can be effective, choosing a combination of the two will speed up the process AND {according to an abundance of research} gives LASTING results!
So, bottom line: If you want/need to lose weight, there are 2 things you need to do! Change up your eating habits AND increase your activity level! It's about calories in vs. calories out! (also to be discussed at a later date!)
We'll start with a popular topic. Whether you want to shed a couple of pounds or drop 20, the decision must be made: HOW? The 2 key components to weight-loss are diet and exercise, and the debate about which is more effective has been around a lonnng time. I'm not sure why it's even a debate anymore, because let me tell you: the research is clear! Although choosing either diet OR exercise as a means to lose weight can be effective, choosing a combination of the two will speed up the process AND {according to an abundance of research} gives LASTING results!
DID YOU KNOW:Your chances of losing weight and KEEPING IT OFF increase drastically when diet AND exercise are both addressed.
Only 5% of those who cut calories without increasing their activity level are able to keep the weight off....and weight fluctuation is a common obstacle amongst this group. (this is so unhealthy!...but we'll discuss that later...) Of those who choose exercise only, only 1% are able to reach their weight-loss goals and maintain their weight for at least 6 months. WOW.
So, bottom line: If you want/need to lose weight, there are 2 things you need to do! Change up your eating habits AND increase your activity level! It's about calories in vs. calories out! (also to be discussed at a later date!)